
Why Get Braces as an Adult

We thank NYC Dentists Dr. Yuliya Alterman and Dr. Yungelson and the SOUL dental for this content:

Want straighter teeth without having to feel like you’re back in middle school? Contemplating “why get braces as an adult”? This is the post for you!

While today’s braces are far more attractive than what you remember from junior high, some adults are still uncomfortable with wires and brackets visible on their teeth. 

If you dread the idea of traditional braces, then, Invisalign may be the teeth straightening solution for you! 

Invisalign vs. Braces

The most significant benefit of using Invisalign over braces is that Invisalign allows you to straighten your teeth while maintaining your lifestyle. 

Keep Your Normal Oral Hygiene Routine 

Take out your aligners and brush and floss as usual.

Invisalign Saves Time 

Want to straighten your teeth as quickly as possible? The average Invisalign treatment is completed faster than with traditional braces.

Eat Whatever You Want 

With traditional braces, there are many food restrictions. However, since you remove your Invisalign aligners when eating, you don’t have to omit your favorites from your diet. Bring on the popcorn and caramel candy!

Invisalign: Less Painful than Traditional Braces 

Soft tissue damage inside your mouth is common with traditional braces because the hardware rubs and irritates areas repeatedly. Invisalign’s aligners are smooth and won’t irritate delicate soft tissues. 

Invisalign also straightens your teeth at a more gradual and comfortable pace than wire braces. 

Health Benefits of Invisalign 

  • Invisalign helps your gums fit better around your teeth.
  • Using Invisalign can reduce the issues that come with unaligned teeth, like chipping and cracking.
  • Jaw problems and an unaligned bite may be correctable with Invisalign, and once modified, your overall dental health will improve. 

Drawbacks to Using Invisalign

Although Invisalign has many benefits, there are a few drawbacks.

While getting used to your new Invisalign trays, you may experience minor mouth discomfort and achiness. 

If you want to improve your smile with little impact on your daily life, then Invisalign is an ideal option. You may be able to straighten your teeth and improve your dental health more quickly than traditional braces.

Thank you Soul Dental in New York City for the fantastic post! Read the post on their site.

Invisalign in Vancouver, BC – Kits Family Dental

We are a family dentist in Kitsilano, Vancouver. We offer Invisalign and have seen first hand how adults can greatly benefit from this fantastic dental treatment. Why get braces as an adult? Because it’s possible, and not as inconvenient as in previous decades.

If you’re wondering ‘why get braces as an adult’, traditional braces aren’t the only way to go. Cross bite, crooked teeth, improved self confidence and many other of the valid reasons still stand. Only there is a much better way to achieve the results now.

Contact Us for Invisalign in Vancouver, BC

Suites 207 & 209 – 2223 West Broadway | 604-738-1816 |

We also offer other dental services for adults and kids.

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