
How Does Dental Health Affect Overall Health?

Just as good dental health can affect you positively, poor dental health can have negative effects.

How Poor Dental Health Impacts Your Overall Health

Watch out for aging – As people age, dental health can deteriorate a bit. Fillings can turn into crowns that turn into root canals that eventually need tooth extraction. This is not something most people think about or perhaps even know about when they are young.

Painful or missing teeth can affect what you eat, which of course can affect overall health. At our office, we do see adults, including seniors, who have had tooth extractions and as you can imagine, that can really affect chewing and as a result food selection.

Capped or filled front teeth can also limit food selection. If there is a filling on the top surface of your front teeth, biting into an apple or cob of corn could compromise the filling.

Preventative Dental Care Improves Health

So, while it can be challenging at times to fit in appointments for preventative dental care, when some of the alternatives are considered, it is worth it a thousand times over. Take care of your teeth so you don’t have to suffer pain, tooth extraction, or infection.

Same goes for flossing. Maybe try to fit it in in the morning or during the day if you’re often too tired at night.

Brushing is usually something our patients don’t have trouble fitting in to their schedules.

Additionally, a fluoride rinse can be of great benefit that people often don’t think to include.

If You Have Neglected Your Teeth

It’s never too late. We would love to help you achieve the best dental health possible. We would also be happy to continue the discussion with your regarding how does dental health affect overall health. Contact us:

Dental Clinic Vancouver – Kits Family Dental

207 – 2223 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6K 2E4 (one block west of Arbutus)

Phone: (604) 738-1816 or (604)-731-8646


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