
Which is the Worst Candy for Your Teeth?

Most of us like to have a little treat now and then. Sometimes it’s a case of trying to choose the candy that is ‘less bad’ for the teeth.

Along the lines of sugar and teeth, did you know that a regular sized can of pop has about 11 – 12 tablespoons of sugar! Yikes, that’s keeping it real. So, keeping pop consumption down is a great idea. Not too much juice either as it’s high in naturally occurring sugars.

As always, keeping balance in life is important. So try keep consumption down but when you do have a pop or some sticky, sweet, chewy candy of course enjoy it! It’s possible to have great teeth while occasionally enjoying sweet treats, they’re a regular part of life.

Timing can count too. As the infographic mentions, ‘The best time to enjoy a sugary sweet is right after a healthy meal. Saliva in the mouth can help to keep the mouth free of sugar’. Great!

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A big smiley thank you to for the fantastic infographic.

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