
What do dentists do during a “dental check-up”?

vancouver-dental-check-upHave you ever wondered what exactly your dentist is doing during your dental check-up? What in the world are they checking up on? Why do you have to go so often? Well, wonder no more!

Q. What do dentists check for during a dental check-up?

A. It depends on your general and oral health, lifestyle, and frequency of cleanings, so the components of a standard examination vary. These are some of the things dentists may look at during your regular exam:

  • your gums: for signs of disease e.g. redness, swelling, or infection
  • your lips, tongue, cheeks, the upper and lower surfaces of the mouth: for signs of oral cancer and sensitivity
  • your teeth: to look for damaged or decayed teeth
  • your existing dental work: to check on the condition of fillings, root canals, crowns, and dentures you may already have in place
  • your jaws: to check how your teeth are fitting together and whether your temporomandibular joint (the one that joins your jaw to your skull) is healthy and functioning properly
  • your oral hygiene: to look for plaque and tartar, which affect your gums and teeth

Book your Vancouver Dental Check-Up today at Kits Family Dental in Vancouver BC!

Q. Are all dental diseases reversible?

A. Unlike other types of disease, dental disease is often not reversible – accordingly, catching it early on is paramount to preserving your good health. This means you have to go to the dentist regularly!

Q. Why do I need to have regular dental check-ups? Why can’t I just go to the dentist when I feel discomfort?

A. You need to have dental exams on a regular basis because many dental diseases are difficult to detect! Patients are often unaware that there is a problem at all until there is pain or swelling – and for some diseases, that may mean that it has progressed too far to reverse the damage!



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