
Nuts are good for your teeth!

Did you know that nuts are great for your overall health? That includes your teeth! Nuts are full of important elements like calcium and phosphorus and many nutrients that are essential for healthy teeth and gums.

Almonds, brazil nuts and cashews help fight bacteria that lead to tooth decay, while peanuts and almonds are a source of calcium and vitamin D. Cashews are known to stimulate saliva which helps to build and maintain the health of hard and soft tissue in the mouth. Walnuts are a powerhouse of goodness with all the nutrients in them.

Nuts are a great alternative to other snacks as they are low in carbohydrates which means they are less likely to add to any risk of bacteria or other mouth troubles.

Like with all foods and drinks, we need to ensure we have good mouth hygiene so it is important to have regular dental check ups and cleaning. 

Eating very hard things like nuts on sensitive teeth is not a good idea. If things hurt when you eat, book in for us to have a look. Cracked teeth can sometimes be prevented if we see them early enough. 

Call us to book your appointment at our Kitsilano dental office today.

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