
New Years Goals for Your Teeth

I really like the idea of setting New Years Goals instead of Resolutions; it seems more positive and open ended.

Planning for things that you WANT to do instead of trying not to do things, is much more fun and definitely easier.

Filling up time, focus and mental space with positive things is always a good idea. It leaves less space for negative things as well.

Dental Goals

A top goal I would recommend is to floss more often.

There are so many health benefits to flossing that it is a worthy goal. It’s often easier to work on a goal if it’s manageable.

So, perhaps adding one more flossing session per week is a great way to start, maybe on the weekend when you have extra time.

Book an appointment! Everyone is busy and appointments likely aren’t a favorite way to spend time. Prioritizing health will pay off in spades though, and that includes oral health. Seeing a dentist regularly will help to keep you on a healthy path with your teeth and gums. Preventative care tips that the dentist and staff can recommend and catching any problems early are of utmost importance.

Cut back on sugar / eat more tooth-healthy foods. We likely all know that it’s best not to over-do it on sugar.

Are there some easy ways you could cut back? Chewing sugar free gum when you’d like a sweet snack is one option.

If you are craving something sweet are you actually hungry?

If so, maybe some nuts or veggies or something otherwise low in sugar would do you?

Try to get creative on how to cut back on sugar and to increase healthy snacks, while still enjoying sweets occasionally. When you do have something sugary, chewing on sugar free gum or drinking water can help mitigate the damage.

Contact us, we’d love to discuss your goals for your teeth this year!

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