
Is it a problem if my kid still sucks their thumb? Kits Family Dental answers!

“Is it a problem if my kid is still sucking their thumb?” This is a question we often get at Kits Family Dental, and here’s the answer:

Whether or not your child’s thumb sucking is problematic depends largely on their age.

If your child is under 3-4 years old, then thumb sucking is common and normal, and in most cases, it’ll stop spontaneously as the child matures.  If there are any changes to the teeth or bones around the mouth as a result of the thumb sucking, they will probably resolve themselves as the child continues to grow and develop.

If your child is over 4 years old and still sucking their thumb, however, it’s more important to break the habit – this is when permanent front teeth will begin to erupt, and it’s likely that an open bite will develop.  An open bite occurs when a gap is present between the upper and lower front teeth, even when the back teeth are completely biting down.  This gap can cause problems with chewing food properly and speech development.  For example, when a person speaks, the sound of a letter such as “t” is conveyed by the tongue striking the back of the front teeth.  Thumb sucking at this age will actually cause the bones around the mouth to change shape in order to accommodate the thumb – these changes are hard to fix, even with braces!

So basically – if your child is under 4, don’t worry! If your child is over 4 and still sucking his or her thumb, then it’s high time to break the habit.  If you have any further questions, feel free to come in and ask us about it.

Until next time!

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