
Staying Cavity-Free After Halloween – Cavities in Children

cavities in children, preventing cavities in children, avoiding halloween candyStill finishing off that Halloween candy? For all our best intentions to brush and floss consistently, it seems that we can’t always avoid the cavity diagnosis. While brushing and flossing daily are good for your teeth and important for battling gum disease, Kits Family Dental has some other tips to prevent cavities in children and adults:

  • Use a mouthwash after brushing to help clear out remaining cavity-forming bacteria!
  • Avoid snacking between meals, especially on sugary or chewy foods that can accelerate the forming of cavities.
  • Chewing vegetable fibre (e.g. celery), however, after meals can actually help stimulate saliva, cleansing the fissures and pits where cavities typically form.
  • If you have braces, water picks can be used to replace flossing, which is impossible with most braces.
  • Chewing sugar-free gum between meals, particularly gum sweetened by natural sweetener xylitol, can help prevent cavities by helping neutralize the pH balance in your mouth and suppressing bacteria growth.
  • Visit our office regularly to ensure the application of fluoride, which strengthens enamel and thereby prevents tooth decay.  If you’re prone to cavities, it’s also a good idea to have ongoing check-ups to catch cavities early while they’re still small before they become larger problems.

Did you participate in our Halloween promo? Don’t forget to come in to Kits Family Dental so we can help you fight cavities with a dental exam!

New Non-Invasive Treatment for Cavities

Exciting news! Silver Diamine Flouride stops cavities with NO DRILLING. It’s available here at Kits Family Dental in Vancouver, BC. Find out more>>

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