
Cost of Teeth Whitening in Vancouver

Teeth Whitening Vancouver Cost, Teeth Whitening Kitsilano Cost

We Offer Pola Teeth Whitening and Opalescence Teeth Whitening in Vancouver, BC.

Pola Teeth Whitening

Pola take-home kits are custom-fitted trays to allow you to whiten your smile at home.
You can wear the trays with Pola Night overnight or for as little as 40 minutes a day (depending on the concentration your doctor supplies you with). You repeat this procedure for about 5 – 10 days depending on requirements.

Results are immediate and progress over the course of the home treatment.

Cost of the Initial Teeth Whitening Treatment

Pola teeth whitening costs $240 for either Pola Day or Pola Night.

Cost of Touch-Ups

Often, people will do maintenance treatments to keep that smile pearly white. Over time, teeth can become stained again. It is a safe and effective treatment and can be repeated. People usually do touch-ups about every 6-12 months. Touch-up teeth whitening costs $15 per gel tube. You will already have have the custom trays and know what strength gel to purchase and amount of time to use. Subsequent touch-up treatments at home can be done by simply purchasing a new tube of whitening gel.

The cost of Pola teeth whitening is not typically covered by dental plans.

More on Pola Teeth Whitening

We often get asked, ‘how much whiter will my teeth go?’. This will depend on your teeth; everyone’s teeth are different. If your teeth are heavily stained from coffee or smoking, you will probably see a big change. If your teeth are not heavily stained, the change will not be as great.

We also get the question ‘is teeth whitening safe’. Clinical studies have shown that bleaching under the supervision of a dentist is safe for teeth and gums. Your dentist will advise you on how to use the Pola take home kits.

Opalescence Teeth Whitening

Get dramatically whiter teeth in about an hour. The treatment is performed in the office in one visit. The appointment is scheduled for 1 and a half hours, as the product must stay on the teeth for 1 full hour for an optimal change in colour. Find out more on Opalescence. For pricing, Contact Us.

Contact Us

Book Online with Kits Family Dental

Ph: 1-604-738-1816 or 1-847-731-8646

Teeth Whitening Links

We have more info on our site about teeth whitening, here are some links:

Pola Night Take-Home Kits: Teeth Whitening Vancouver BC

Teeth Whitening Dentist Vancouver BC – FAQs

POLANIGHT & POLADAY Teeth Whitening in Vancouver BC

Professional Teeth Whitening Vancouver – Pola Day & Pola Night



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