
Dental Care Tips: Gum Disease Prevention! Come visit us in Kitsilano and we’ll show you how!

Welcome back! We’re still on the topic of gum disease; this time, we’ll focus on how to care for your teeth properly to prevent it (for both adults and kids)!

Remember, the worst case scenario for gum disease is that you can lose your teeth – without the support of enough gum tissue and bone to hold your teeth in place, it’s possible for them to loosen and fall out!  Gum disease can also bring about abscesses (painful infections that manifest in a pocket between your teeth and gums) or chronically sore, red, and puffy gums – not pretty!

So what’s the best way to deal with gum disease, you ask?  “Never have it in the first place” is obviously the answer!  Gum disease develops slowly and painlessly, usually beginning in one or two spots rather than affecting your whole mouth at once, so the best way to prevent it before it gets serious is to brush and floss daily and make regular visits to your dentist (that’d be us!) for a check-up (are you due for yours?).

remember to brush! -kits family dentalBrush your teeth at least twice a day – but don’t just do it regularly, do it right!  Brush gently – don’t scrub – and pay attention to areas where your teeth meet your gums.  Clean all the surfaces of all your teeth – chewing surface, cheek side, and the tongue side.

Floss daily! Flossing gets rid of the plaque underneath your gum line and in between your teeth, where your toothbrush can’t reach.  Since plaque hardens into tartar within 24-36 hours, floss once a day before going to bed for the best results.

Eat a balanced diet! Don’t forget, a nutritious and balanced diet isn’t just good for your general health, but your oral health as well! Your gums and teeth need the right nutrients to fight off decay and gum disease.

Check back next time for info on diagnosis and treatment, and in the meantime, make sure you’re brushing and flossing correctly! If you’re not sure, come in to Kits Family DentalDr. Robin Mak and Dr. Sakura Iwagami will be happy to show you how :).

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